Wednesday 7 January 2015


Benedick, A lord and soldier from Padua; companion of Don Pedro
Don Pedro, Prince of Aragon.
Don John, "the Bastard Prince," brother of Don Pedro.
Claudio, of Florence; a count, companion of Don Pedro, friend to Benedick.
Leonato, governor of Messina; Hero's father.
Antonio, brother of Leonato.
Balthasar, attendant on Don Pedro, a singer.
Borachio, follower of Don John.
Conrade, follower of Don John.
Innogen, a ghost character in early editions as Leonato's wife
Beatrice, niece of Leonato.
Hero, daughter of Leonato
Margaret, waiting-gentlewoman attendant on Hero.
Ursula, waiting-gentlewoman attendant on Hero.
Dogberry, the constable in charge of Messina's night watch.
Verges, the Headborough, Dogberry's partner
Friar Francis, a priest.
A Sexton, the judge of the trial of Borachio
A Boy, serving Benedick The Watch, watchmen of Messina Attendants and Messengers

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